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What is Innovation? || Definition, Introducing the types of Innovation


What is Innovation? || Definition, Introducing the  types of Innovation
What is Innovation? 

What is Innovation?

Innovation is the process of introducing new ideas, technology & methodology, new techniques, goods/products, or services. Innovation is the creation of new ideas, that often begins with narrowed down during brainstorming sessions, after which a person considers the viability, feasibility, and desirability for each picture.

  • Innovation in the structure and practice of the board of directors.
  • Innovation in corporate policies.
  • Innovation through supported skilled migration.
  • Innovation through training workers in different departments of industry like technology, engineering, IT, etc.
  • Automation in manufacturing sectors can reduce cost, reduce stress, the workload for staff, and increase overall business efficiency.
  • Innovation through upgrade equipment.

What is Innovation? || Definition, Introducing the  types of Innovation || Open innovation
Types of Innovation:
In the process of innovation, there are different types which are given below:
  • Business Innovation:

What is Innovation? || Definition, Introducing the  types of Innovation || Business innovation
Business innovation

1. Incremental Innovation: Innovation can be through market penetration (selling in an existing market).
2. Architectural Innovation: Innovation through market development (new market).
3. Disruptive Innovation: Innovation through product development ( new product in the existing market).
4. Radical Innovation:   Innovation through diversification ( new product in a new market).
  • IT Innovation:
What is Innovation? || Definition, Introducing the  types of Innovation || Business innovation
Business innovation
IT innovation also called technological innovation means adding new steps for development or producing products/services by changing software and introducing new technology for customers' desire. It may be like IT innovation, which is using for technology in privilege or easy way create a more efficient business.
  • Open Innovation:
What is Innovation? || Definition, Introducing the  types of Innovation || Open innovation
Open innovation

Open innovation is the method of relying on outside knowledge sources for innovation management services/strategies It is used to promote their information toward innovation, which relates to their new strategy.

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